Tuesday, April 8, 2008

14 pt. eyes

I passed another sign of aging, this one, perhaps, unique to the ministry. I can no longer read my sermon manuscript in 12 pt type and have had to bump it up to 14 pt. It takes a few extra pages, and I regret the extra paper used. Double spaced, of course. Part of the cause is that I also recently switched to wearing glasses instead of contacts, also probably due to aging.


Robin Edgar said...

I like 14 point type and used it on my web sites so that those will less than optimal vision could read them. Have you considered undrrgoing laser surgery to correct your vision?

Anonymous said...

Wow. I've never been able to preach from a 12 pt printout. I've usually printed sermons at 16 or 18 pt, triple spaced -- because it makes it much easier to keep my place and not look at the manuscript so much. Then again, I've been wearing glasses since I was eight! ;)

Anonymous said...

Ah Ricky... I am reading my sermons in 16 pt type... And that is even with bifocals!! Blessings, my friend--- Fred

Rick Hoyt-McDaniels said...

I'm not interested in laser surgery. First of all I like my glasses - what's wrong with glasses? And secondly I was told a few years ago that the surgery could correct my distance vision but that I would still need glasses for reading, and probably for preaching from a manuscript anyway. A friend has told me that they can correct one eye for distance and the other for close but that just sounds crazy to me.

Lilylou said...

Several months ago I invested in multifocal gas-permeable contacts and have been delighted with them. They weren't hard to get used to (I've worn contacts for over 40 years, so that's not too surprising) and I was really tired of having pairs of reading glasses all over the place! The lenses each have a multifocal quality, rather than having to use one eye for distance and one for close up, which I agree sounds crazy!