Thursday, May 7, 2009

prayer for the day

National Day of Prayer, 2009

God of our imaginings and far beyond our imaginations,
God of our thoughts but beyond our comprehension, beyond our theologies, beyond our religions,
God of our hearts but who loves your people more greatly and loves your creation more broadly than we can love even ourselves.
God of our hopes who gives us all things but asks us to participate in creating the divine Kingdom on Earth.

We gather today, troubled, fearful, angry, resistant, impatient, and weak.

We pray for ourselves
For good work
For strong families
For healthy bodies
For food to eat and safe places to live

We pray for our neighbors
for those who have lost their jobs in this depressed economy
and for those employers forced to make difficult decisions
for those who have lost their homes in this recent wildfire
and for the firefighters working to prevent more homes being lost
for those who have lost their lives in the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
and for those whose lives have been disrupted by the wars.

We pray for our nation’s leaders:
That they might have wisdom, greater than our confusion
That they might have courage, greater than our fears
That they might have compassion, greater than our intolerance
That they might have flexibility, greater than our partisanship

We pray for our world
That people may live in peace, with justice and liberty for all,
That we find a way to share the earth with all living things
That we heal what we have already injured and cause no further damage

God, we offer ourselves, our communities, our nations, and our world as partners in your divine plan.

Take our minds and mold them to your ideals

Take our hearts and overfill them with your love

Take our bodies and bend them to your work.

In gratitude for this day’s blessings, and all the blessings of our lives, we re-affirm the vows of our faith to bind ourselves more closely to your holy will for our own sakes, and for the salvation of all.


for more prayers visit the Unitarian Universalists of Santa Clarita Valley prayer blog

1 comment:

Eve said...

Thanks Ricky. Missing church tomorrow to be with my mom and I needed a little prayer today. Amen.